what if the future looked like foraging on a bicycle built for two?
super electric and nimble, extending our reach, flattening the hills, bringing the island and its shores that little bit closer.
quiet for conversations all along the way.
Clik here to view.

easy to park in the bushes along any lane.
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the right size for carrying a few containers to collect whatever’s in season, whenever we go out, within the rhythm of our days.
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just the speed for spotting a path down to the lake or the ocean for a dip after filling all the jars with food freely given by wild plants.
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human-powered active transportation, appropriate technology to live lightly on this good earth.
Clik here to view.

what if caring for the future looks like a lot more joy than what we were doing before?
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i know many of you avoid the noisy waves that forms our social media, so i’m including my weeklyish piece for you here on this small and quiet little pond of our own. i hope you enjoy them.